How to register to 'STUDENTS OF THE WORLD'
Assalamualaikum . to all person who is reading my blog now. Today, in this entry, like what i'm saying in my yesterday entry, i will tell you how to register to this website called STUDENTS OF THE WORLD. I hope all of you will be enjoy reading this entry. I hope all of you have a wonderful day! (Sori guys. Sja nak try speaking dalam entry kali ni) First, you need to go to this website. I will give you the link below: (must be open using google) k malas dah nak speaking. Jadi aku sambung cakap Malay jelah. Boleh? Kang tak pasal-pasal broken english jadinya plak. Pastu, lepas ko dah buka website tu, tekan kat hujung sekali kiri, PENPALS OF THE WORLD bawah ABOUT US. 3. Pastu, bila dah keluar page dia, tekan REGISTER PUBLISH YOUR AD. Cari di bawah tulisan FOR KIDS, TEENS, STUDENTS AND TEACHERS ONLY! Kalau tak jumpa jugak sama ada korang cari sendiri atau pergi jumpa doktor mata. 4. Lepas dah tekan REGISTER PUBLISH YOUR AD akan keluar page ABOUT Y...